Owning 2700 acres in the Black Hills National Forest is rare by itself as over 90% is Government owned and that percentage is growing.
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In this "Banana Belt" weather, the winters are mild. This property is privately deeded with no government acreage. It is located 15 miuntes from a town of about
3500 population, yet beautifully private, scenic isolated, secluded and appearing to be millions of miles from life as most experience
There are springs, wells, and a spring fed pond; a private airport, hanger, navigation aids, lights, radio and elevations of 3000 to
4300 feet above sea level. Other features include, ponderosa pines, junipers, some aspen, miles of underground utilities, four buildings, main house
and three out buildings. A four hole-chipping golf course on the premises.
Thousands of acres of government owned land surrounds three sides of the parcel with no easements through our deeded, except utilities.
That's privacy. Gates are locked with an automatic gate on the main entrance.
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Time to see elk, deer, grouse, turkey, American and Golden Eagles,
and all the other wildlife on the property.
The locale is within a short driving distance to four National Parks and largest State Park. These include views of Lake Angostura, the
largest body of water in western South Dakota, the Badlands and MT. Harney the tallest peak in the Black Hills, the Needles. Near MT. Rushmore and
Custer State Park and Hot Springs. A place where the marks of early western history are still present.
There are too many outstanding features to mention to this quickly disappearing type of large tract of land that will not be around long
due to the pressures from small subdivisions, government agencies, trusts and conservation groups which will acquire and lock it up
from the public.
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Good news - there are no state income or corporate taxes in SD.
Access from a four-lane highway with another proposed four-lane highway in progress near the ranch.
(prices and conditions are subject to change)